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One, Two, Three, Four…

A subject was highly suspicious that her husband would have her followed to find out why she recently separated. She was absolutely adamant she was not seeing another man and simply needs time to herself.

In fact, surveillance revealed that this woman was indeed highly sensitive and constantly looking over her shoulder. She constantly left work through different exits and constantly drove in circles to make sure she wasn’t followed. Except that she was.

During surveillance, she was followed to a parking lot where she remained in her car and did nothing else while any other vehicle was around. A second surveillance period was needed. This time, the investigator

intercepted the subject near the same parking lot so she could be sure she wasn’t followed. Sure enough, a male quickly entered her car and she took off towards a a large apartment building where she entered the underground.

This time, the investigator intercepted the subject near the same parking lot so she could be sure she wasn’t followed. Sure enough, a male quickly entered her car and she took off towards a a large apartment building where she entered the underground. This was proving time-consuming, but a third period of surveillance was required. This time, the investigator attended the apartment building and waited in the lobby. The elevator stopped, the door opened and the subject and male were inside. As she was suspicious to the point of paranoia, the investigator sensed he should let them go, and noted the elevator stopped on the 11th floor.

The next day, the investigator waited on the 11th floor and sure enough, the couple arrived and entered their apartment, thus confirming both their relationship and the apartment number.